28 July 20229 January 2024National Underground Asset Register pilot project completes The safety and efficiency of construction works across the London boroughs is set to significantly improve following the completion of a pilot project to digitise the underground electricity cables and gas pipelines. We won grant funding from the Government’s Geospatial Commission, in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA), to vectorise the position of underground cables and pipes as part of the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) initiative. “This data will ultimately form part of a vast national digital resource that highway authorities, utility companies and their contractors will be able to use to carry out works in the safest and most efficient way,” said Andrew Collin, Network Manager at Energy Assets Gas Networks. “The information we’ve vectorised and which will soon be uploaded to the live NUAR platform pinpoints the depth and position of our cable and pipe assets across London within an accuracy of a few centimetres. This rich data will enhance the technical support we can provide to customers for planned developments, while at the same time reducing the risk of accidental – and potentially dangerous – electricity and gas ‘strikes’ by operatives during site works.” The data we gathered includes pipe and cable size, material, location, route and connections, which can be displayed on a clickable map that reveals detailed asset plans and information. Our London project is one of a number around the country mapping utility assets digitally to develop the NUAR platform. “This activity provided a valuable learning experience for us as an asset owner,” said Andrew Collin. “We now have the knowledge and technical know-how to adopt a ‘vector first’ approach to digitising and sharing asset data. We also continue to contribute to working groups engaged in the wider national project.” We’re among the fastest-growing local energy network owners in Britain, responsible for the operation of many thousands of final mile electricity and gas connections. We work alongside accredited utilities connections providers, housebuilders, commercial developers and EV charging network companies. www.energyassetsnetworks.co.uk Photo credit: ©Keszi László via Canva.com Keep up with the latest from us – follow us on LinkedIn. Post navigation ArticleArticle
11 December 202312 March 2024NewsRetail spaces can profit from our asset-based EV charge point offer READ MORE